1. Get hands-on in our play area

Jump into the joy of play in our Mudlarks gallery for children aged up to eight years old. Expect dock-themed fun with soft play, dress-up and a water table.

A smiling girl sliding down an orange slide

Mudlarks has soft play, dress-up and a water table.

2. Follow the Tail Trail

All over the museum

City rat Riley Ratcliffe wants help finding members of her furry family around the museum. Discover what life was like on the docks along the way with this self-paced activity. Pick up your trail map from the family desk when you arrive at the museum or download it online.

A collection of family images depicting the free-to-visit permanent galleries of the London Museum Docklands, the paid for Mudlarks family gallery and the shop.

Can you help us find Riley the rat around the museum?

3. Find the mummified cat and rat

Discover how dockworkers unloaded and moved goods, including rum and sugar. Peer through to the quayside below and imagine you’re pulling heavy sacks up into the warehouse. See if you can find the mummified cat and rat in this gallery.

A collection of family images depicting the free-to-visit permanent galleries of the London Museum Docklands, the paid for Mudlarks family gallery and the shop.

Find out how our building was used to store rum and sugar.

4. Try out the treadwheel

The Legal Quay is a busy place to work. A treadwheel lifts cargo off the ships and puts them on land. Hop on and see if you can lift the barrel – it’s hard work.

A collection of family images depicting the free-to-visit permanent galleries of the London Museum Docklands, the paid for Mudlarks family gallery and the shop.

Hop on and see if you can lift the barrel.

5. Build a tunnel under the Thames

Channel your inner Brunel and help build a tunnel under the bricks. Or see if you can make a bridge strong enough to walk across. Try your hand at these challenging activities one brick at a time.

Three children in a recreation of a tunnel, piling up small yellow bricks

Help build a tunnel, or see if you can make a bridge.

6. Venture through Victorian London

Wind your way through the dark streets of Victorian London in our recreated Sailortown free gallery. Peep into the Animal Emporium and chandler's shop or pop into the Three Mariners pub for a tipple.

Two children peering into an old-looking shop with 'Animal Emporium' at the top

You might spot some exotic animals in the Emporium.

7. Step inside a wartime shelter

Learn how the port survived and aided the war effort from Dunkirk to D-Day. Step inside our recreation shelter to imagine what it might have been like during an air raid – sirens and all.

Two young girls crouched in a recreation of a bunker

Learn how the docks survived and helped the war effort.

8. Become a master of the tube network

Help guide Tube trains along the network and learn how they linked the docks with the rest of London in our New Port, New City gallery.

A girl alone pushing a red train along a train table

Live out your Tube driver dreams.

9. Get baking in our kitchen role-play area

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker’s man, bake me a cake as fast as you can! Admire the bakes in our recreation of a Docklands bakery from the early 1900s and have creative cooking fun in our kitchen role-play area.

Two girls in a recreation of an old-style, one stood wearing a hairnet and one sat down holding a mug

What will you make in our old 1900s bakery?

10. Play to your heart's content every month

Keep toddlers busy in these free, monthly play sessions on the last Wednesday of every month. There’s always plenty to keep little ones busy at their own pace: building, role-play, puppets and more.

A baby wearing pink playing with a toy version of St Paul's Cathedral

Always plenty to keep little ones happy.

Ready to visit?

Everything you need to know before you visit us, including floor plans to you find your way around.