A significant part of our training offer is delivered through a joint arrangement with Museum Development South East, in which we provide places for London museums on their online training events.

Much of the training in equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) and environmental responsibility is delivered as part of national programmes run by the Museum Development England partnership.

Who's eligible?

All paid and unpaid staff working for non-national (and non-NPO), accredited museums in London are eligible to apply for places. Non-accredited, national, NPO and museums outside London may be allocated places if there is space, but will be a lower priority due to our core funding criteria.


Training accessibility statement

PDF: 169.5 KB

Our statement describes the standards of accessibility you can expect with our training.

Upcoming events

Tue 11 Mar, 9.30am – 4.30pm

Location: London Museum Docklands, E14 4AL

Join us for the first ever joint Museum Development London and Museum Development South East sector conference. The 'exploring collections' theme will look at some of the creative and ingenious ways in which museums across both regions have been opening up their collections and exhibitions to new audiences.

A range of funding and support organisations will also be on hand to provide bookable slots to answer all your collections-related questions.

Book your place

Places have been purchased for London museums on the online training events being run by Museum Development South East.

Most of these events are open to London museums. Look for those carrying the Museum Development London logo halfway down the page and the wording "If you are working or volunteering for a museum in London you are eligible to attend this session".

View all events

The award-winning Roots & Branches, environmentally-driven collaborative project between Museum Development England, The Carbon Literacy Project and Manchester Museum has launched a new programme for the next two years, running from June 2024 until March 2026. They will be running a series of series throughout the programme.

The Roots & Branches online programme includes:

View all sessions

If you have any questions about the programme, please contact Alison Criddle at Museum Development North or contact the Museum Development London team.

Museum Development London, in association with The National Archives, is running another short series of training and events for 2024–25.

This programme is designed for managers in local authority museums and archives services to give them the knowledge, understanding and skills to plan for improved organisational resilience.

Find out more

The Art of Major Donor Fundraising

Thu 20 Mar, 10am – 1pm (Online)

For the past three years, consultant David Burgess of Apollo Fundraising, has been working with London museums through our Fund the Future programme to create bespoke action plans that meet the needs of museums. 

David brings his learnings from these recent consultancies together with his considerable experience as a consultant, to provide an online training session focusing on major donor funding.

Book via Eventbrite

Past programmes

You can watch recordings of some of the past training sessions on our YouTube channel.