A significant part of our training offer is delivered through a joint arrangement with Museum Development South East, in which we provide places for London museums on their online training events.

Much of the training in equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) and environmental responsibility is delivered as part of national programmes run by the Museum Development England partnership.

Who's eligible?

All paid and unpaid staff working for non-national (and non-NPO), accredited museums in London are eligible to apply for places. Non-accredited, national, NPO and museums outside London may be allocated places if there is space, but will be a lower priority due to our core funding criteria.


Training accessibility statement

PDF: 169.5 KB

Our statement describes the standards of accessibility you can expect with our training.

Upcoming programmes

The award-winning Roots & Branches, environmentally-driven collaborative project between Museum Development England, The Carbon Literacy Project and Manchester Museum has launched a new programme for the next two years, running from June 2024 until March 2026. They will be running a series of series throughout the programme.

The Roots & Branches online programme includes:

View all sessions

If you have any questions about the programme, please contact Alison Criddle at Museum Development North or contact the Museum Development London team.

10am – 12.30pm

One of a suite of marketing training specifically targeting smaller museums to optimise their marketing potential, including digital marketing. This will help participants to develop a more strategic approach to marketing which supports the museums’ mission and goals. The session will talk through the five steps and content will include understanding your audiences, segmentation, choosing marketing and communication platforms/channels, with interactivity, resources, tips and break-out groups.

We would suggest that you also join the companion training: "Marketing on tight budgets" with Christina in October and "Digital Marketing" with Digital Culture Network in November.

Delivered in partnership with Museum Development South East.

Trainer: Christina Lister, from Christina Lister Comms and author of Marketing Strategy for Museums

Suitable for: beginners/ intermediate in smaller volunteer-run or independent museums.

Book now


The session will explore the National Lottery Heritage Fund grants from £10,000 through to £10 million. We'll discuss: 

  • NLHF Strategy, Heritage 2033, including the new Investment Principles
  • how to develop and submit an application
  • tips for and types of successful applications
  • your own planned bid
  • any questions at the end

Suitable for anyone seeking funding for a project with a clear heritage focus, such as your collections, building or your organisation itself. Please note that all places have been allocated for London museums.

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10am – 12pm

One of a suite of marketing training specifically targeting smaller museums to optimise their marketing potential, including digital marketing with limited marketing budgets and time in a cost of living crisis. It will share a range of examples and practical tips on how to evaluate marketing to optimise activity, with interactivity and break-out groups.

See also training on "How to develop a Marketing Plan" with Christina and "Digital marketing" with Digital Culture Network in November.

Delivered in partnership with MD South East.

Suitable for: beginners/intermediate in smaller volunteer-run or independent museums.

Trainer: Christina Lister, from Christina Lister Comms and author of Marketing Strategy for Museums.

Book now

Past programmes

You can watch recordings of some of the past training sessions on our YouTube channel.