What do we offer?

We can:

  • share best practice in the field of organisational health in museums
  • provide advice to museums submitting accreditation returns or new applications
  • signpost relevant programmes, resources and training being provided by others, for instance: Arts Council England National Lottery Project Grants, the National Lottery Heritage Fund and NCVO Practical Support
  • advise and provide 'critical friend' support on writing funding applications
  • work with museums using the Museums' Organisational Health Check Tool to carry out an audit of their development needs

Training programmes

We provide a number of funded places for practical workshops and training courses related to organisational health, including sustainability and management. See our training programmes page to find one suitable for you.

Contact us for help

For further help, including to arrange an online meeting, phone call or a site visit, please contact Yvette Shepherd, Museum Development Officer for Organisational Health
on [email protected]