These grants support museums to accelerate their action for environmental responsibility and enable them to respond to climate change.

The climate emergency is the most significant challenge for us all today. This programme has been developed, using funding from Arts Council England, in line with the Art Council England’s Investment Principle to create environmental responsibility in the cultural sector.

How to apply

Applications for 2024 –2025 are now closed

The grants will give museums a helping hand in understanding and reducing their own impact and communicating climate actions with audiences, peers and stakeholders.

We will fund grants in the following three areas:

  1. Understanding the data - museums use data to understand their environmental impacts and responsibilities in the context of local and global impacts of climate change
  2. Plan, action and change - museums take organisation-wide action, developing plans to adapt, change, and mitigate their impacts
  3. Influence and advocate - museums become advocates of environmental action in their local communities and wider cultural sector, seeking to accelerate action