Our supporters

City of London

Mayor of London

Arts Council England

Aroland Holdings Ltd
Basil Samuel Charitable Trust
Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Digital Accelerator for Arts and Culture
City of London’s CIL Neighbourhood Fund
Clore Duffield Foundation
Alderman Alison Gowman
Hertshten Properties Ltd
John Horniman's Children's Trust
T. Rowe Price
Terra Firma Capital Partners
The ACE/V&A Purchase Grant Fund
The Art Fund
The City of London Historical Society
The Golden Bottle Trust
The Goldsmiths’ Company
The Michael and Clara Freeman Charitable Trust
Leslie Morgan OBE DL
The Rose Foundation
The Worshipful Company of Actuaries
The Worshipful Company of Arts Scholars, Dealers and Collectors
The Worshipful Company of Curriers
The Worshipful Company of Dyers
The Worshipful Company of Plaisterers
Amanda and Nicholas Wachsmuth Heavens
Ian, Victoria and Lucinda Watson

Society of Londoners

Ms Mairi Allan
Lord Tim Clement-Jones CBE
Anne Kauder
Christine and Philip Miles
Tangy C. Morgan
Mr Robert Stirling
Kathryn Uhde
Carole and David Warren

Corporate Members


British Land

DLA Piper

Jamestown Kinrise

Maples Teesdale

Port of London Authority

We would also like to thank all Friends, donors who wish to remain anonymous, and those who have remembered the museum in their will, have donated in memory of a loved one, or have given in kind.

London Museum in Smithfield

City of London

Mayor of London

The creation of a new museum for London and the world in the historic market buildings in Smithfield is only made possible by the generosity of our supporters below.


Goldsmiths' Company

Linbury Trust

National Lottery Heritage Fund

Founding Partners

Garfield Weston

N. Sethia

Founders' Circle

Mark and Meganne Houghton-Berry
The Loudiadis Family
Eric and Maxine Reynolds
The Schroder Foundation and Family in Memory of Bruno Schroder
Wolfson Foundation

Corporate Champion

DLA Piper

Major Supporters

Adrian and Jane Frost
Anthony Gutman
Helikon Shipping Enterprises Ltd
Kirsh Foundation
Charles and Nicola Manby
Sir Hugh and Lady Stevenson
The Borrows Charitable Trust
The Butt Family, through the Calleva Foundation
The Haberdashers' Company
The Hintze Family Charitable Foundation
The Loveday Charitable Trust
The Winterflood Family
The Worshipful Company of Weavers


Basil Samuel Charitable Trust
Broderers’ Charity Trust
Jennifer Bute
Sally Mussetter
Derek Riches
Rick Rickertsen
Mr and Mrs Rutland
The 29th May 1961 Charity
The John and Diana Kemp-Welch Charitable Trust
The Worshipful Company of Needlemakers
Ian, Victoria and Lucinda Watson

We would also like to thank those donors who wish to remain anonymous.