All school visits to the museum must be pre-booked for a specific time in order to help us manage the number of people arriving in the museum and lunch spaces.

We strongly recommend that you make a planning visit before you bring your group. This will help you identify potential hazards in our building and on your journey to us.

There's no need to book in advance for our free galleries, but if you'd like to make a free planning visit to a paid exhibition or our interactive Mudlarks gallery, please call our Box Office on 020 7001 9844, or email [email protected].

The museum is designed and maintained to ensure it’s safe for schools and visitors. We check all our spaces daily to remove or minimise hazards.

Our activities are designed to remove or minimise hazards. We carry out our own risk assessments and they’re updated regularly.

If an activity has a potential hazard that we feel you should know about, we’ll send this information in advance and remind you at the beginning of the activity.

All our staff have undergone a basic disclosure check and they’re familiar with our safeguarding policy.

We have fully-tested evacuation procedures for emergencies. If we need to evacuate, our staff will escort school groups to a muster point and will work with you to ensure that all pupils are present and safe.

Our buildings are fitted with alarm systems and emergency exits are clearly marked.

We have members of staff trained in providing first aid. Please inform our gallery staff immediately if anyone in your group needs assistance due to illness or injury.

We have public liability insurance providing cover up to £10 million through Allianz Insurance plc.

We have a written health and safety policy and all staff receive training.

Please inform our gallery staff immediately if any pupils become separated from the group and you’re unable to find them. We have procedures in place to deal with these situations efficiently.

Teachers and accompanying adults are responsible for the health and safety of their group and should always remain with pupils. We expect your school to maintain these ratios at all times:

  • Foundation stage – 1:3
  • Key stage 1 – 1:6
  • Key stage 2 – 1:6
  • Key stage 3 – 1:10
  • Key stage 4 – 1:15
  • Key stage 5 – 1:15
  • SEND – 1:5

Learning Outside the Classroom Quality Badge

London Museum Docklands has achieved national recognition for its educational visits and has been awarded the Learning Outside the Classroom Quality Badge by The Council for Learning Outside the Classroom.

Contact us

If you need any more help with preparing your risk assessment, please email [email protected] and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.