
If you’re working towards or currently holding an Artsmark Award, this is how we can support your journey: 

  • visit one of our museums or take part in one of our facilitated workshops to build your range of offer
  • take advantage of our continued professional development (CPD) opportunities for your staff
  • develop your children and young people engagement through special projects that involve children and young people in planning and delivery
  • explore valuable potential partnerships with us
  • promote positive values and ethos through work experience and opportunities to work alongside people from the culture sector

To find out more about how we can support your Artsmark journey, contact [email protected]

Arts Award

Arts Award is a range of unique qualifications helping anyone aged up to 25 grow as artists and arts leaders. There are no entry requirements, no time limit for completing the award and no rules on how to present final work.

The award allows young people to:

  • create and participate in arts activities and events
  • develop creative and communication skills
  • explore the work of artists and gain insights into the professional arts world
  • gain experience and knowledge to help progress into further education and employment

We’re an Arts Award Supporter and offer lots of opportunities to meet your goals. You could research artists in our collections, attend workshops, use our galleries for inspiration, or work with us on a longer-term creative project.

We feel that the Arts Award is highly accessible and particularly encourage SEND groups to work with us.