We want to contribute to positive change in London's communities by:

  • representing and celebrating diversity through everything we do
  • making everyone feel welcome regardless of their background or needs
  • building and sharing a collection of objects that Londoners feel reflect and belong to them

We will:

  • give everyone equal opportunity to influence decisions by starting conversations early enough so they can genuinely shape our work
  • treat each person as an individual with empathy and respect
  • value the knowledge and expertise people bring from their own experiences
  • ask people what they want and actively listen to their responses, making sure our work is relevant and beneficial
  • adapt the way we work and how we communicate to reflect who we are working with
  • support each other to work in ways that best suit both parties

“We will create space for different groups to connect with each other”

  • be clear about what we can give and honest about what we cannot give and why
  • show how we have put people’s ideas and feedback into action
  • create space for different groups to connect with each other
  • celebrate the work of community partners, letting them share who they are and what is important to them
  • build long-term relationships with communities
  • help people find opportunities to continue interests and develop skills, even after we have finished working together
  • put our trust in the people we work with and be willing to take risks, remaining open to creativity