A True and Exact Prospect of the Famous Citty of London from S. Marie Overs Steeple in Southwarke in its flourishing condition before the fire / Another prospect of the sayd citty taken from the same place as it appeareth now after the sad calamitie and destruction by fire in the year M.DC.LXVI
Panorama:Long view of London before and after the Great Fire of 1666, shown in two bands one above the other, each with its own title and with a key to the buildings along the bottom. 1666 Etching, printed from two plates joined down the centre. Taken from the steeple of Southwark Cathedral, Lettered with title above "A TRVE AND EXACT PROSPECT OF THE FAMOVS CITTY OF LONDON FROM S:t MARIE OVERS STEEPLE IN SOUTHWARKE IN ITS FLOURISHING CONDITION BEFORE THE FIRE designed by W: Hollar of Prage, Boh:cn". Title across centre "ANOTHER PROSPECT OF THE SAYD CITTY TAKEN FROM THE SAME PLACE AS IT APPEARETH NOW AFTER THE SAD CALAMITIE AND DESTRVCTION BY FIRE. In the Yeare M.DC. LXVI". Signed in lower right "Wenceslaus Hollar delin et sculp 1666,". Along the bottom of the design in two compartments, separated by London Bridge, is a key to the buildings in 17 and 3 columns of text repectively numbered 1-50 and 51-58. At upper centre "LONDON" and in the water THE RIVER THAMES This copy is damaged has lost 6-7 cm. at the right - compare A24656.
A True and Exact Prospect of the Famous Citty of London from S. Marie Overs Steeple in Southwarke in its flourishing condition before the fire / Another prospect of the sayd citty taken from the same place as it appeareth now after the sad calamitie and destruction by fire in the year M.DC.LXVI