
Crime & Legislation
Crime & Legislation

The Kray Twins: Notorious east London gangsters

Dangerous and famous in the Swinging Sixties


Six things you didn’t know about executions in London

London’s courts condemned more people to die than the rest of England, and six facts you may not know

Crime & Legislation
Crime & Legislation

Jack Sheppard: An 18th-century working class hero

How one young criminal became a working class hero by escaping London prisons four times.

Crime & Legislation
Crime & Legislation

The history of London's Newgate Prison

London’s longest-running prison was home to high-profile criminals, common thieves and the condemned


Executions & death-penalty reforms in Britain

How 18th-century British reformers questioned capital punishment and the fight continues today

Crime & Legislation
Crime & Legislation

Jack the Ripper

How the murders of five women birthed an infamous East End crime story

Royalty & Aristocracy
Royalty & Aristocracy

The murder of Thomas Becket

An event that shocked medieval Europe – and a cult that's lasted centuries

Crime & Legislation
Crime & Legislation

Horsemonger Lane Jail

Where rooftop executions became a violent Southwark spectacle

Crime & Legislation
Crime & Legislation

The Metropolitan Police: From 1829 to today

Two hundred years of policing London

Crime & Legislation
Crime & Legislation

The Metropolitan Police on London’s streets

The changing face of law and order

From our experts
From our experts

Changing London: A view from inside Pentonville Prison

From behind the walls of HMP Pentonville, these men share their views of post-WWII London and their experiences as Londoners

From our experts
From our experts

From avoiding the gallows, to leading a mutiny

What happened to convicts who were transported to penal colonies instead of being executed?

Crime & Legislation
Crime & Legislation

London’s public executions

Hung, drawn and quartered. Beheaded, boiled or burned


London’s dark public execution history in 5 objects

A look at 700 years of public executions in London through five objects

Death & Disasters
Death & Disasters

Frances Burney’s mahogany desk: A symbol of slavery

Exploring histories of pain and exploitation in one English novelist’s writing desk

Death & Disasters
Death & Disasters

The Zong Massacre Trial

The appalling case of 130 enslaved Africans murdered for an insurance claim

Crime & Legislation
Crime & Legislation

Mapping London’s execution landscape

In central London, you’re never further than 5km from a known site of execution

Death & Disasters
Death & Disasters

Who was publicly executed in London?

Thirteen tales of the cooks, rebels, bankers and king who died in front of a watching crowd