Crime & Legislation
Spanning criminals, prisons and the Metropolitan Police, find out about London’s laws and its lawbreakers in our objects, stories and blogs.
Death & Disasters

Death & Disasters
Who was publicly executed in London?
Thirteen tales of the cooks, rebels, bankers and king who died in front of a watching crowd
From our experts

From our experts
Changing London: A view from inside Pentonville Prison
From behind the walls of HMP Pentonville, these men share their views of post-WWII London and their experiences as Londoners
Crime & Legislation

Crime & Legislation
London’s public executions
Hung, drawn and quartered. Beheaded, boiled or burned
Printed Ephemera

Printed Ephemera
Baptisms in the Parish of Lambeth in the County of Surrey in the year 1817 (baptism certificate)
Printed Ephemera

Printed Ephemera
Rock Estate Residents Association (paper notice)
Rock Estate Residents Association