
Behind the scenes
Behind the scenes

Stitches in time: Remaking a 1577 Bible cover

Recreating the embroidery on a 1577 Bible cover that could have been done by Queen Elizabeth I herself?

Rights & Activism
Rights & Activism

Sylvia Pankhurst: Suffragette, artist, activist

This famous votes-for-women campaigner set herself apart as an artist and social activist

Art & Design
Art & Design

Thomas Rowlandson’s satirical London drawings

Laughing at life in the 18th and 19th century

Art & Design
Art & Design

Wenceslaus Hollar’s etchings of fashion & fire

A 17th-century recorder of women’s clothes and London's skyline

Art & Design
Art & Design

Graham Sutherland’s eerie Blitz drawings

This south London-born artist recorded the carnage of the Second World War

Art & Design
Art & Design

The candid street photography of Margaret Monck

Capturing the energy of 1930s Londoners

Art & Design
Art & Design

Henry Grant photographed London from every angle

Countless London stories in black and white

Behind the scenes
Behind the scenes

Rare books: What makes them special & how to care for them

Tips on identifying special books, storage and safe handling techniques to preserve these literary artefacts

Building a museum
Building a museum

How we created the new London Museum brand

Working in collaboration with 33 Londoners and why we chose a pigeon


Rare books from London Museum's Library

Our Librarian shares a few of his favourite volumes and the stories these have to tell.

Art & Design
Art & Design

John Hargrave: Leader of the Kibbo Kift

Camp out, help others, work for world peace: Hargrave’s youth movement aimed for a better society

Immigration & Identity
Immigration & Identity

Neil Kenlock’s photos of 1970s Black London

Beauty queens and Black Panthers

Behind the scenes
Behind the scenes

Youth: A rare Festival of Britain sculpture by Daphne Henrion

What makes this rare sculpture, thought to be lost, special?


How to ‘judge’ a book owner by their bookplate

We don’t really judge, but we can definitely get to know a lot about a book’s owner by their customised bookplate

Art & Design
Art & Design

The vivid photography of Bill Brandt

An influential photographer whose work spanned documentary images and Surrealist portraits


How 3 women artists captured London’s landscape

How three contemporary artists have employed unconventional techniques to capture London

From our experts
From our experts

Decoding the inspiration behind Whitefriars glass designs

What does this 19th-century book of designs reveal about the Whitefriars glass in our collection?

Royalty & Aristocracy
Royalty & Aristocracy

Albertopolis: Prince Albert’s London legacy

South Kensington looks a little different today thanks to Albert’s enthusiasm for education and art