Architecture & Home

The spaces we inhabit, and the objects that make home feel like home

Art & Design

Londoners’ crafts and creations

Class & Economics

How social status and wealth have shaped Londoners’ lived experiences

Crime & Legislation

London’s laws and lawbreakers

Death & Disasters

Executions and tragedies, rituals and mourning

Fashion & Style

How Londoners have dressed for over 2,000 years

Food & Diet

Cookware, cuisines and tastes through history

Games & Sports

Discover Londoners’ playful and competitive sides

Health & Disease

How Londoners have faced plagues, pandemics and illness

Immigration & Identity

What makes a Londoner?

Lifestyle & Leisure

Entertainment and pleasure-seeking in the city

London Places

Tourist attractions, local landmarks and relics from a lost London

Love, Sex & Relationships

London’s endless love story

Music & Subculture

The unique styles, sounds and communities that make London, London

Nature & Environment

London is rivers, parks and pigeons – not just concrete, cars and glass

Politics & Society

How Londoners have lived together, and who’s governed them

Publishing & Media

London on the page, screen and radio – including Charles Dickens, Fleet Street and the BBC

Religion & Beliefs

Temples, churches and tributes to the river

Rights & Activism

Protesting for change in the home of the nation’s government

Royalty & Aristocracy

Palaces, ceremony and plenty of royal drama

Science & Technology

London: city of invention

Trades & Workers

The makers and the doers who’ve shaped London’s economy


Take in the city by bus, river, road and Tube

War & Weapons

Boudica, the Blitz and Bronze Age swords