
Behind the scenes
Behind the scenes

Mounting Queen Victoria’s mourning dress

How do you display a fragile costume that’s over 100 years old?

Publishing & Media
Publishing & Media

Who was Charles Dickens?

19th-century London’s most celebrated writer gave us Oliver Twist and A Christmas Carol


Executions & death-penalty reforms in Britain

How 18th-century British reformers questioned capital punishment and the fight continues today

Crime & Legislation
Crime & Legislation

Jack the Ripper

How the murders of five women birthed an infamous East End crime story

Behind the scenes
Behind the scenes

Mudlarks: Rescuing relics from the River Thames

From prehistoric blades to sacred relics, historical artefacts found on the shores of the Thames

Politics & Society
Politics & Society

How Charles Booth mapped London poverty

And showed the complexity of social class in the late 19th century

Rights & Activism
Rights & Activism

Millicent Fawcett: Suffragist, not Suffragette

Meet a leader of the law-abiding votes for women campaign


Christmas Quiz: How good is your Christmas trivia?

Take our Christmas Quiz to find out how much you know about this annual festival

Building a museum
Building a museum

5 things about Smithfield Market you might not know

What connects London’s iconic Smithfield Market to the Sydney Opera House?

Royalty & Aristocracy
Royalty & Aristocracy

The long reign of Queen Victoria

Ruling for 63 years, Victoria witnessed rapid changes in British society, culture and industry

From our experts
From our experts

Steeped in history: Tea drinking in Britain

The history of tea in Britain is deeply entwined with colonial histories of sugar and the East India Co.

Crime & Legislation
Crime & Legislation

Horsemonger Lane Jail

Where rooftop executions became a violent Southwark spectacle


The queen’s chatelaine bag

Tracing the origins of three royal accessories with Medieval roots

Lifestyle & Leisure
Lifestyle & Leisure

What were London’s pleasure gardens?

For dancing, drinking, glamour and debauchery, there was nothing quite like the pleasure garden

Crime & Legislation
Crime & Legislation

The Metropolitan Police: From 1829 to today

Two hundred years of policing London

Lifestyle & Leisure
Lifestyle & Leisure

A big night out at Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens

Discover the exciting new entertainment on offer to Londoners in the 1700s and 1800s

Crime & Legislation
Crime & Legislation

The Metropolitan Police on London’s streets

The changing face of law and order

Fashion & Style
Fashion & Style

Who are the pearly kings & queens?

Since the late 1800s, pearlies have donned their button-covered regalia to raise money for charity