Browse by time period
Travel back to Roman London or learn more about our modern city with objects, stories and blogs grouped by time period.

Prehistoric (Pre 44)
Before London was London

Roman (43 – 410)
From the arrival of the Romans to the decline of their empire

Early Medieval (410 – 1066)
Six hundred years that stretch from the Romans to the Norman conquest of Britain

Medieval (1066 – 1540)
London in the Middle Ages

Tudor (1485 – 1603)
The Tudor family’s kings and queens ruled England for over 100 years

Elizabethan (1558 – 1603)
A period defined by Queen Elizabeth I, the longest-ruling Tudor monarch

Jacobean (1603 – 1625)
London under King James I

Stuart (1603 – 1714)
After the Tudors came the Stuarts, including James I, James II, Charles I and Charles II

Georgian (1714 – 1830)
Life in Georgian London, when Britain was ruled by four kings named George

Hanoverian (1714 – 1837)
Spanning the reigns of five kings from the House of Hanover, a British royal house with German origins

Victorian (1837 – 1901)
The era-defining rule of Queen Victoria

20th century London (1900 – 1999)
A century of enormous and rapid change

London today (2000+)
From the new millennium to the present day