‘Collections for All’ is a project to democratise access to London Museum’s collections. The museum’s commitment to involving local communities in helping to shape content is a key feature of our work. With funding from Arts Council England, we’re reimagining access to our collection via two strands of work. One strand, Democratising Access, looks at how we can capture different Londoners’ interpretations of our collection in a digital platform.

The second, Democratising Knowledge, shares our collection with research volunteers and collects their interpretations of the objects and stories we hold about their community.

Interpreting Chilean and Polish oral histories

In 2023 (Year 1 of the project), we worked with Chilean and Polish research volunteers to listen to oral histories from their communities in our collection. Through a series of workshops, the volunteers were able to discover, discuss and share their interpretations of the recordings with us. These community interpretations then contributed to a publication and soundscape created by artist Felix Taylor, which was exhibited at London Museum Docklands.

We also provided a podcasting workshop on how to record their own oral histories. This was with the aim to encourage them to want to record their own stories, those of their communities and their city.

Postcard featuring daquise, a polish restaurant in london, with interior images showing staff, patrons dining, and the restaurant’s exterior.

A Daquise trade card – it’s the oldest Polish restaurant in London.

Engaging with Latin American and Eastern European communities

In 2024 (Year 2), we are continuing the project across two major themes, with a wider look at our collection. Our Latin American community research volunteer group will explore collection items relating to women’s activism, while our Eastern European community research group will look at collection items related to modern migration stories. We will document their varied perspectives and experiences, which will then enrich the community interpretations in our collection.

We are running weekend sessions for Year 2 at the museum between September 2024 and February 2025. All travel expenses are paid and lunch is provided. You get to see and handle collection items, learn about your communities’ heritage and learn some new skills.

If you’re interested in finding out more and taking part, we’d love to hear from you.