Social History
Penny toys, vintage vehicles, quirky packaging and more offer a delightfully nostalgic glimpse into the London’s everyday life

Grime music: From the corner to the mainstream
Grime is a Black-British music genre that gives the youth a sense of belonging and a global audience

The Backstreet: London’s iconic men-only leather bar
For 37 years, The Backstreet was an iconic part of London’s leather and gay bar scene

Ramadan in London: In search of ingredients from home
Ramadan intensifies the longing for familiar home-cooked meals for many migrant Muslims in London

The history of London's Newgate Prison
London’s longest-running prison was home to high-profile criminals, common thieves and the condemned

6 women’s stories from London’s history
London Museum staff choose their favourite object with a female focus from our collection

East London & the popularity of gospel choirs
How have gospel choirs from east London contributed to the UK’s musical soundscape?

Executions & death-penalty reforms in Britain
How 18th-century British reformers questioned capital punishment and the fight continues today

Brixton 1981 to BLM: Reflections on Black uprisings
The changing nature of uprisings in Brixton, from 1981 to 2020

Suffragette Christabel Pankhurst & her ‘militant’ strategy
Interview: Often maligned by historians, feminist and Suffragette Christabel Pankhurst’s story needs much exploration

British-Bangladeshis & the East End rag trade: A personal story
How Asma Begum’s parents travelled from Bangladesh in the 1960s to build a life in London’s East End

In search of East End food on Roman Road
Where pie and mash meets biryani and dal puri

Christabel Pankhurst: Suffragette leader
An inspiring leader whose radical tactics intensified women’s fight for the vote

Kitty Marion: Actor & Suffragette
Battling for the vote with fire and hunger strikes

Conserving Una Maw's famous 1920s Vegetable Dolls
How we conserved and restored these amazing century-old handmade dolls by Una Maw

Christmas Quiz: How good is your Christmas trivia?
Take our Christmas Quiz to find out how much you know about this annual festival

Millicent Fawcett: Suffragist, not Suffragette
Meet a leader of the law-abiding votes for women campaign

Embroidered memories: The WWI silk postcard industry
How these hand-embroidered WWI silk postcards are beautiful examples of sentimentality and wartime industry

5 things about Smithfield Market you might not know
What connects London’s iconic Smithfield Market to the Sydney Opera House?