
Death & Disasters
Death & Disasters

The Great Plague of 1665

An estimated 100,000 people died in London’s last major plague epidemic

Fashion & Style
Fashion & Style

The Cheapside Hoard

A jaw-dropping stash of lost Tudor and Stuart jewels

Royalty & Aristocracy
Royalty & Aristocracy

Why Charles I was executed

A tale of religion and Parliament which ends abruptly in 1649

From our experts
From our experts

What connects Elias Lindo & the Hanukkah lamp?

A 17th-century Jewish broker in London brings together objects from the collections of two museums in the most fascinating way

Fashion & Style
Fashion & Style

Jewels of the Cheapside Hoard

An emerald watch, a salamander brooch and a cornelian squirrel


Lauderdale House: Witchcraft relics hidden in the wall

Was it a 17th-century curse or a homeowner’s protection?


From fox lungs to fuming pots: 17th-century flu remedies

Explore London Museum artefacts that reveal a strange yet fascinating history of healing


Marvellous moustaches & brilliant beards from the London Collection

Need ideas for your Movember look?

Class & Economics
Class & Economics

The story of Samuel Pepys’ silver plate

From counting pennies to splashing out on silver

Immigration & Identity
Immigration & Identity

The Huguenots in London

These French refugees worked silk in Spitalfields and silver in Soho, weaving a lasting legacy

War & Weapons
War & Weapons

The Hounslow sword factory

A sword-making centre in the mid-1600s