Read our policies that guide how we work and what we do, including sustainability, privacy and the care of our collections.
Website accessibility policy
What we're doing to make sure our websites are inclusive
Our plans to reduce our impact, and contribute to improving London’s environment
Privacy policy
Who we are and how we collect, use, retain and look after data
Terms of use
In accessing information from our website you agree to be bound by these Terms & Conditions
Cookie policy
How we use cookies to help us understand, evaluate and optimise our websites
Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
Outlining the right of access to information held by public bodies like us
Guidance for the re-use of London Museum information
Our statement of public task
Suppliers we work with
How we purchase our goods and services
Collections policies
How we're looking after and developing our collections
Copyright statement
We're committed to respecting copyright and other intellectual property rights
Gift acceptance
The principles we follow when accepting donations or gifts